Bryan Fuchs

Suspension Uprights

My project for my sophomore year on Cornell Baja Racing was to redesign and improve the Suspension Uprights. The main goal was to incorporate a spherical bearing over the ball joints that were used the previous season. Therefore, the entire Upright had to be redesigned and the end result saw a 20% reduction in weight while improving packaging in all four corners of the car.

Project Image

Project Overview


Attached are final SolidWorks screen captures of the final design. The custom Upright underwent a complete redesign.

Fig.1 - Finalized CAD of Front Uprights
Fig.2 - Finalized CAD of Front Uprights (Rear side)

Finite Element Analysis

The Upright model was analyzed under different scenarios in a collision - Curb Slam, Tree Toast, Landing, and Braking. Additionally, these scenarios were combined to analyze the car in a more realistic situation.

Inboard Final ANSYS
Fig. 3 - Upright Landing ANSYS

Outboard Final ANSYS
Fig. 4 - Upright Curb Slam ANSYS
Outboard Final ANSYS
Fig. 5 - Upright Tree Toast ANSYS
Outboard Final ANSYS
Fig. 6 - Upright Braking ANSYS
Outboard Final ANSYS
Fig. 7 - Upright Curb Slam + Braking ANSYS
Outboard Final ANSYS
Fig. 8 - Upright Curb Slam + Landing ANSYS


Fig 9 - Front Right Corner Assembly (Outboard)
Fig 9 - Front Right Corner Assembly (Outboard)

Fig 10 - Front Right Corner Assembly (Inboard)
Fig 10 - Front Right Corner Assembly (Inboard)

CAD Drawings

To ensure the proper tolerances were met during manufacturing, CAD Drawings had to be made for the machinist.

Fig XX - Rear Gearbox and Caliper Assembly
Fig 11 - CAD Drawing of Front Upright (Right)

Fig 12 - CAD Drawing of Front Upright (Left)
Fig 12 - CAD Drawing of Front Upright (Left)
Fig 13 - CAD Drawing of Rear Upright (Right)
Fig 13 - CAD Drawing of Rear Upright (Right)

Fig 14 - CAD Drawing of Rear Upright (Left)
Fig 14 - CAD Drawing of Rear Upright (Left)

Tools Used

ANSYS Workbench